The doctors and staff at Pediatric Surgical Associates (PSA) actively participate in our community. In addition, we are dedicated to bringing you current and applicable “need to know” information for your child through our monthly blog posts. This page provides information for the latest events PSA has attended as well as upcoming events. If you know of any news or events that you would like to share with us, please let us know.
Latest Pediatric Surgical Associates News featuring our Physicians:
MN toddler among handful of babies to survive In Utero tumor removal
One of our own, Dr. Lillegard, was featured on a this Kare 11 segment as part of his work with the Midwest Fetal Care Center. Dr. Feltis and Dr. Fisher, also with Pediatric Surgical Associates, are also a part of this team.
2018 Top Doctors – Minneapolis-St. Paul Magazine
Congratulations to the following Pediatric Surgical Associates physicians for being named 2018 Top Doctors by Minneapolis-St. Paul Magazine!
Pediatric Surgery:
Dr. Brad Feltis
Dr. Nathaniel Kreykes
Dr. David Rustad
Dr. David Schmeling
Dr. Patricia Valusek
Dr. David Wahoff
Dr. Joel Hutcheson
Dr. Yuri Reinberg
Dr. David Vandersteen
Dr. James Wolpert
Rising Stars:
This honor is awarded to physicians who have been practicing 10 years or less and have been recognized by their peers as being a trail blazer in their area of expertise.
Dr. Amy Hou – Urology
Dr. Joseph Lillegard – Pediatric Surgery
Dr. Joshua Short – Pediatric Surgery
Midwest Fetal Care Center
We are very proud as three of our surgeons (Dr. Lillegard, Dr. Feltis, Dr. Short) are leading surgeons with the Midwest Fetal Care Center, a groundbreaking program that is a partnership of Pediatric Surgical Associates, Children’s Minnesota, and Allina Hospitals and Clinics. MWFCC is a national leader in the advancement of caring for fetal abnormalities or conditions in a baby before birth performing life-saving surgeries in-utero. Read more about this amazing program in the news articles linked below.
Star Tribune: Baby-saving Midwest Fetal Care Center becomes a showplace of medical tech and design
Washington Post: A tumor growing on her baby’s heart forced this pregnant mom to make a terrifying choice
Kare11 News: Fetal surgery for babies with Spina Bifida at Children’s
Kare11 News: New fetal care center opens in Minneapolis