Scheduling & Cancellation Policies
We are committed to keeping your health care costs as low as possible. In order to do this, we need to keep our office costs at a minimum. Please help us in the following ways:
- Please complete the required patient forms prior to your appointment.
- Always bring your current health insurance card to the office.
- Notify us immediately of any changes in insurance, address or phone number.
- Please be prepared to pay your co-pay at the time of service, or if you do not have insurance, to pay for your visit in full.
- Please pay your bill in full when you receive your statement or make alternative payment arrangements with our business office.
- If your insurance is found to be inactive and you wish to proceed with your appointment, you must self-pay for the appointment at a cost of $480.00.
Surgeries are scheduled through our Minneapolis, or by phone. Questions or requests regarding the scheduling of your child’s surgery should be directed to the surgery scheduling coordinator at (612) 813-8000 (option 2).
Office Appointments
Patients are seen by appointment only. Please call 612-813-8000 (option 3) to schedule an appointment. Schedulers are available Monday-Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. to assist you in scheduling. They can be reached directly at (612) 813-8000 (option 3).
Pediatric Surgical Associates offer telehealth appointments for certain qualifying visits. If your first visit with us is a telehealth appointment, you must complete all paperwork online by 3:00 PM on the day-before your appointment. If paperwork has not been received by this time, the appointment will be canceled. Please click here to complete your paperwork
Appointment No-Show Policy:
Failure to cancel an appointment within 24 hours, or failure to appear, may result in the following charges:
New patients: $250.00
Follow-up patients: $150.00
Significant time and resources are committed to the preparation of each appointment by our providers and administrative staff. Appointments are in high demand, making our provider’s time extremely valuable. When an appointment is missed without adequate notice, it takes an available appointment away from other potential patients, delaying the delivery of health care to other patients, some of whom are quite ill.
Additionally, two consecutive no-shows may result in being discharged from our practice.
If you have additional questions, please contact our business office at 952-835-9442.
If you know you cannot make your scheduled appointment, please call (612) 813-8000 (option 3) to cancel or reschedule.
Late Policy:
We understand that delays can happen; however, we must try to keep the other patients and doctors on time.
If a patient is 15 minutes past their scheduled time, we will reschedule the appointment, unless certain circumstances arise.
Circumstances include but are not limited to:
1) Inclement weather
2) Delay in Radiology or Lab
3) Provider decides to see the patient.